Grading Policy

** I grade on a percentage, so every assignment/test, etc is worth 100 points.  Tests/Quizzes fall into the 90% weight category and homework/class assignments fall into the 10% weighted category.

For 7th Grade Math, the following policy is used:




Late papers ARE accepted: Late papers will receive a highest grade of 50.  Papers more than 10 days late are NOT accepted. (Papers are given a 50,  minus whatever is missed)

Test Retakes:  Students may request to retake the test for a higher grade.  In order to perform better on a test, the student will need to apply some study towards the material first.  The following items need to be completed prior to the student being allowed to retake the test: 

1) Fill out a "Test Retake" Sheet and turn it in to the teacher.

2) Perform the needed items to ensure your retake is a success, and understanding of the material increases:  Attend Tutoring, and review notes & practice problems. 

3) Schedule a time with Mrs. Heath (during after school tutorials or FIT) to retake a different version of the test. (The test will be different, but will cover the same concepts and will be at the same level of difficulty.)  

The two grades for the test will be averaged together to determine a final test grade.  Should the original grade be brought down as a result of averaging the 2 grades, the original grade will be kept.